I finally wore the right kind of shoes to Hilltop Grand Village.
Most days when I visit, it’s not planned. Someone will be going over, and I’ll tag along. Occasionally, I’ve been to meetings scheduled there. Even then, I’m dressed for work, so I’m in sandals, heels or something not conducive to a work site.
I’ve traipsed through sand, dirt and concrete dust. I’ve learned to watch for nails, screws and odd bits of metal. The cords, cables and hoses are obstacles. Installed floors are protected by paper taped down. You have to watch for tears and tripping hazards. Often, you want to be looking up at what’s new, but you also have to watch where you walk.
It’s also a big area, so when you traverse it in heels, your feet get tired, too.
Often when I leave, I have to wipe the grit out of my shoes.
But this time, I happened to have my walking shoes in the car. I must have looked quite the sight, wearing a dress and tennies. But, they protected my feet, and my feet didn’t get tired as we hauled mirrors in and decided in which apartments they looked best.
It makes me wonder what sort of shoes I should wear when I work there. Our administrative offices will move to Hilltop Grand Village. It’s likely I’ll be walking more at work. The dust and dirt will be gone, but I better keep an extra pair of walking shoes under my desk, just to be safe.